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UKU University Men’s Indoor Regionals (UMIR) 2024-25

University Men’s Indoor Regionals (UMIR) will be held on 9-10 November for all regions:

  • East & London (Saturday 9th Nov ONLY)

  • North East & North West

  • Scotland

  • South East (Saturday 9 Nov ONLY)

  • South West

  • West Mids & Wales

  • Yorkshire & East Mids

Venues, timings and details for each regional event can be found below.

General contact details:

Entries are managed through BUCS. You must go to your AU so that they can enter you.

University teams are encouraged to have a Spirit Captain at all events. SOTG resources can be found here. Please ensure your Spirit scores are submitted promptly using the button which will be at the top of this page, ideally after each game or by the end of play on each day. Scored submitted after midnight on the last day of the event may not be included in Spirit data.

This event will follow the UKU Tournament Rules.

2 November

UKU University Mixed Indoor Regionals 2024-25 (all regions except SE)

10 November

WFDF World Ultimate Masters Championships