Welcome to the UKU Schools Hub

Why Ultimate?

6 reasons to introduce Ultimate at your school

  1. It’s mixed - boys and girls play together in a truly mixed format.

  2. The disc is a different and exciting piece of equipment.

  3. No referees - the players referee the game themselves using Spirit of the Game. This is embedded in the sport and promotes sporting values at all levels of play.

  4. The basic rules are very simple and minimal equipment required. It’s fun and everyone get’s active!

  5. Playing Ultimate can develop athleticism, coordination and spatial awareness, helping with multi-sport development.

  6. There are lots of cross-curricular opportunities, from learning about the physics of disc flight to developing skills in empathy and communication.

FREE DISC OFFER when you affiliate your school

Ultimate can be played indoors (in a sports hall) and outdoors on grass, Astro or 3G and even on the beach!

At schools and in School Games competition we suggest 4 a-side mixed gender on a pitch roughly 30m x 15m but you can adapt the size of the pitch for your circumstances and the space you have available.

Make sure to factor in safe space around the pitch for a run-off - minimum 1m indoors (although 2m is better if you can) and up to 5m outdoors.

What next?

  1. Affiliate your school.

  2. Buy discs and as an affiliated school and ask for 5 free discs with your disc order. Affiliate each year and request another set of free discs. Choose primary discs (Jstars) or the Official Game Disc (Ultrastar)

Ultimate Discs

The JStar is the recommended Primary school disc - it is a little smaller, lighter and softer than the full-size disc.

The Ultrastar is the Official Game disc of UK Ultimate and used for all competition. This is the best option for Secondary schools, but some schools may also want some smaller discs to help students getting started.

Training for teachers and young leaders

Want help developing skills, confidence and understanding? Book a training course - we will come to you and deliver a 2 hour session. Courses can be booked for teachers, students, young leaders or a combined group. The workshop costs £36 / person for a minimum of 8. If you don’t have enough, ask your School Games Organiser to run a workshop near you!

Young Leader Award

Great to build confidence and skills for your Young Leaders and give them something to help them stand out when looking towards their futures!

“I enjoyed the different activities, the one thing I can take away is the different ways to include everybody!”

“I have really enjoyed doing sports I wouldn’t normally do.”

Register your School Games Event and get 10 FREE discs!

In 2018 Ultimate was formally added to the School Games (a Sport England-funded initiative responsible for over 3.5 million sports participation opportunities for young people every year).

The interest we’ve seen from Active Partnerships and School Games Organisers has been huge. Those familiar with the sport won't be surprised to hear that Spirit of the Game has been a major factor in this success, providing children and young people the opportunity to develop communication skills, emotional management and other sporting values, whilst also having fun playing!

Schools Map: find affiliated schools and see where School Games events are taking place

School Affiliation runs on the calendar year - if you have renewed your affiliation this year you can do it here.

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Learn more

These are a great starting point for lesson plans, throwing guides, activity ideas and Spirit of the Game.