Play Ultimate

Ultimate is played in schools, universities and clubs around the UK. Competitions for different age groups and divisions run throughout the year. In most age-categories there are three equally weighted divisions (Mixed, Women’s and Open).

Some people just want to play Ultimate regularly and locally and there are lots of clubs and groups that provide these opportunities. Others want to play and train to compete. UKU competition spans U14 Youth events to our annual National Championships, with lots of opportunity to compete along the way. UKU events are run Indoors, Outdoors and on Beach. There are also other opportunities to compete at events that aren’t run by UK Ultimate. Follow the links below to find out more about how to play and compete at your level.

Play and compete

Ultimate is played indoors in sports halls and 3G venues and on the beach

Ultimate player playing Indoors

Play Safely

The safety of everyone involved in Ultimate is of the upmost importance. Take a look at the information we’ve provided including concussion guidance and other useful resources.

Our calendar includes a range of events. Some are run by, or in partnership with, UK Ultimate (UKU). Others are run independently and do not have a relationship with UKU. Below is a key to help you understanding our event logos - if you do not see our logo it is not one of our events.

  • Events with our logo are run by UKU (sometimes in partnership with local organisers). This includes National Championships across all divisions and surfaces and a number of other Outdoor Club events.

  • Events with this logo are run independently but are sanctioned by UK Ultimate, meaning organisers have reviewed the minimum standards outlined by UKU. Some sanctioned events have greater UKU involvement than others. You can read more here.

  • This logo is used for Club events that are part of UKU Nationals which currently includes regionals (events by which teams can qualify for Nationals) and the UKU National Championships.

Find Ultimate near you

Play regular pick-up or find a team to compete with.