School Affiliation

UKU School Affiliation is free!

We want to help build the network of schools playing Ultimate so we can support more local and national competition opportunities. When you affiliate you can ask for 5 FREE discs if you order 5 or more discs. Affiliated schools can compete at UKU events under their own liability insurance. Take a look at our schools and junior club map to find other affiliated groups near you.

Ultrastar - secondary / adult disc

JStar - primary / starter disc

Register your School Games Event and get 10 FREE discs!

In 2018 Ultimate was formally added to the School Games (a Sport England-funded initiative responsible for over 3.5 million sports participation opportunities for young people every year).

The interest we’ve seen from Active Partnerships and School Games Organisers has been huge. Those familiar with the sport won't be surprised to hear that Spirit of the Game has been a major factor in this success, providing children and young people the opportunity to develop communication skills, emotional management and other sporting values, whilst also having fun playing!

Schools Map: find affiliated schools and see where School Games events are taking place

School Affiliation runs on the calendar year - if you have renewed your affiliation this year you can do it here.