Play Safely

 UKU Medical Guidance

Physical preparation and injury prevention

This poster provides information on injury prevention strategies. The content is based on research by Dr Kenneth Duffy (UKU Medical Advisor) into injuries in Ultimate.

Being physically prepared for the demands of Ultimate can help with injury prevention. We encourage all teams and groups to take a look at the FIFA 11+ Warm Up programme and to consider some basic conditioning for Ultimate.

Below there are some additional resources created by James Mead (JAM Performance) and Jools Murray providing some simple ideas and resources.

“Preventing young sudden cardiac deaths through awareness, screening and research, and supporting affected families.” We recommend young Ultimate players seek screening opportunities.

WFDF Rules of Ultimate

“Actions such as intentional fouling, cheating, dangerous plays, disrespectful conversations, and other ‘win at all costs’ behaviour are contrary to the Spirit of the Game. Often a player is in a position where it is to his/her advantage to foul or commit some violation, but that player is morally bound to abide by the rules. The integrity of the sport depends on each player’s responsibility to uphold Spirit of the Game, and this responsibility should not be taken lightly.” - World Flying Disc Federation (WFDF)

Rule 3.4.

No player may wear items of clothing or equipment that reasonably could harm the wearer or other players, or impede an opponent's ability to play.

This includes wristwatches, bracelets, buckles and protruding jewellery. Fully metallic studs, long studs and studs with sharp edges are not allowed on footwear.

Equipment that impedes ability to play: This includes oversized items, long pieces of fabric etc. The types of gloves commonly worn by Ultimate players are allowed, but they must not in any way damage the disc or leave any residue on the disc.

Rule 19. Safety Stoppages

This rule provides detail on Injury Stoppage and Technical Stoppage.

Avoiding dangerous on-pitch situations

The documents linked below, produced by the UKU Spirit of the Game committee, are designed to help understand the shared responsibility to keep everyone safe on the field. For more information, please refer to the Rules of Ultimate 17.1. You can contact the SOTG Committee here.

Weather warning!

UK weather is generally benign, but there are still times when event, club or other organisers need to think about wind, rain, snow, storms and even heat. Remember that safe travel might be part of the calculation.

Met Office weather warnings are a good starting point.

Weather warning!

For lightening, UKU events follow the guidance in WFDF Rules Appendix B4.2. and we recommend your club or event does the same.

B4.2.1.3. If lightning is observed or thunder is heard, a WFDF Official will count the time between the lightning (flash) and the thunder (bang). If the time delay is less than thirty (30) seconds then the strike was closer than ten (10) kilometres and the playing area will be cleared immediately.

(please see more detail in B4.2. for how to respond to a lightening risk and resuming play)

Image credit: Michał Mancewicz @kreyatif

Hot weather warning!

As our summers get increasing hotter this is an area we will continue to review.

USA Ultimate’s policy is that when the heat index hits 100F (approx. 37.8 C.) play is suspended until it drops below 100F again. Although these temperatures are rare in the UK, we suggest looking at MET Office forecasts and looking at the ‘feels like temperature’.

When temperatures are high, but below the threshold for suspending play, please consider the following:

  • increasing breaks for water and time in the shade.

  • min 2 x 1 litre reusable water bottles and water refill options.

  • high factor sport-specific sun cream / hats for playing and side line.

  • wet towels / water spray bottles for the side line.

  • additional shade such as umbrellas or small tents which must be kept a safe distance from all side lines.

Risk assessments and First Aid planning

First Aid planning

What is your plan to deal with minor incidents? What is your plan if something more serious occurs?

Take a look at this planning document to help you consider First Aid.

There’s more to keeping everyone safe!