Parent Guide

Ultimate is a great way to develop new skills, socialise and make friends. It’s a fun way to stay fit and healthy whilst enjoying sport and activity.

Most young people start Ultimate on a level playing field, learning new skills together. Ultimate is played Mixed gender and we encourage girls and boys to play together when they can as well as enjoying single gender versions of the game.

“It’s great exercise, fully inclusive and has responsibility, fun and teamwork at its heart.”

“It’s a fast dynamic, inclusive game which taps into many skills. It is very different to my original perception. I’ve watched my son grow in confidence and thoroughly enjoy taking part in what is great fun and great exercise.”

How to prepare your child for Ultimate

Ultimate is a sport which includes catching, throwing, running, jumping, and sometimes diving.

  • Wear any comfortable sports clothes - shorts, leggings, tracksuit bottoms, t-shirt, long sleeve t-shirt, etc.

  • Wear trainers for sports hall or hard ground

  • Football boots are best for soft grass or 3G astro

  • There can be lots of running around so water and snacks are essential

  • Be prepared for rain or shine. Bring waterproofs, sun cream, hat, etc.

  • Take warm clothes for cold weather - hat, gloves, fleece, jumper, GLOVES!

  • Take a disc if you have one

“It’s good fun, really good exercise and I really like playing as a team.”

How can you get involved?

You may find a local junior club or an adult club where under 18s are welcome.

If you can't find a suitable club, why not start your own kids Ultimate club or group. You can do our coaching qualifications and join the UKU Coach Register.

Some parents also get hooked themselves and find places they can play alongside their children.

Safeguarding children and young people in Ultimate

As NGB we recognise our responsibility towards creating and maintaining a culture that protects all participants