Board of Directors Appointments


Further to our earlier announcements about the UKU Board election, congratulations to all of our returning and newly elected board members as listed below:

Chairperson: Fowzia Mahmood

Treasurer: Wayne Davey

Director of Competitions: Nathan Fowler

Without Portfolio: Xenia Shevnina, Tristan Millington, Serena de Nahlik, Archie Barnes

We would like to take this opportunity to again thank all of the outgoing board members for their tremendous contribution to the sport and UK Ultimate over many years. Thank you!

More information about the board members can be found here.

If you missed the news about the board elections, but would like to have more involvement in how Ultimate is organised in the UK, please watch out for upcoming announcements regarding roles in other UKU Committees.


World Ultimate Championship GB Squad Player Applications Are Open


UKU Nationals (26-27 August): Winners and Final Standings