Coach Education Materials - FREE for UKU Members!

Towards the end of 2021 we decided to make a big change to the way we provide coaching materials to our members. We took our Level 1 course content and created an online platform that is accessed for FREE by those with Full, Uni / U18, Coach and Friends and Family memberships.

We want to do more to help clubs and individuals introduce Ultimate to new players, develop skills in planning and delivering sessions, and of course we want to support current and future Ultimate coaches. This material is for everyone, whether you’re a player, captain, committee member, already coaching, or a parent looking to get involved! For those who want to complete the Level 1 qualification, this is now accessed online. The course has a modular structure and is chunked into a number of short videos that you can watch at your convenience. You will be required to complete the Level 1 logbook and there is a small qualification fee of £20.


We will be adding to our online coaching materials over time and this will include some of the content for the Level 2 qualification, so keep a look out for more coaching news.


UKU Junior Open Indoor Nationals 2021-22 - Final Standings


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