GB U24 Trial Applications Are Open

We’re pleased to invite applications from players wishing to represent GB/UK Ultimate (Open, Mixed and Women’s) at the World Under 24 Championships 2023. The trial process will comprise 3 phases: application, pre-selection (Stage 1 trials), main selection (Stage 2 trials).

Application Deadline Friday 18th November at 23:59

WU24 Championship Date and Location

As WFDF recently announced we are currently in negotiations regarding hosting the WU24 Championships in the UK.  While the discussions are ongoing and information is currently provisional, WU24 is planned to take place from 1-8 July 2023.


In the first step, players are invited to apply to attend Stage 1 Trials (pre-selections), rather than to one particular team. We intend for one day pre-selections to be held in December 2022/ January 2023 and to be split into regional sessions. Regional pre-selections will not be split into male-matching and female-matching sessions. Each pre-selection will each include open, women’s, and mixed play. Successful trialists will be invited to the main selection in early 2023, from which squads for each division will be selected.

Dates and locations of Stage 1 trials (pre-selection) are currently PROVISIONAL.

We are targeting the weekend of 10/11 December for pre-trials in England and 7/8 January in Scotland. These will be one day sessions. We will confirm dates and locations ASAP. Players will be allocated to regional sessions on the basis of the location stated in their application. Capacity limits may mean that some players are asked to attend a session other than the one closest to them 


Stage 2 trials (main selection) will be hosted in one location with players invited from stage 1 trials trialing to be part of the GB U24 Squads (Women, Open and Mixed). The logistics of the main selection (stage 2 trial) will be confirmed ASAP with applicants. We expect this to be a 2 day trial.

Dates and locations of Stage 2 trials (main selection) will be confirmed ASAP, with the two most likely weekends being January 28/29 or February 18/19.

Eligibility for trials

We acknowledge that the transgender policy of WFDF may restrict players’ eligibility at WU24’s. GB trials and training will operate in accordance with the UKU transgender policy, and players are welcome to apply, trial, and if successful, train, in the divison (or gender role in the mixed divison) that they identify with. However, given the complexities presented by differing policies, we welcome the opportunity to discuss further with any players for whom these policies might restrict eligibility. If you would like to discuss your eligibility please contact

WFDF age eligibility criteria: "Under-24 (U24) Divisions – A player participating in these divisions must be fourteen (14) years old or older and must not be twenty-four (24) years old or older during the calendar year in which the tournament concludes"  

We’re currently working on booking venues for stage 1 and stage 2 trials. We will confirm details ASAP. At this stage we are just looking to understand applicants likely availability for trials. Once details are confirmed we will look to finalise availability with applicants.

Apply here - The application deadline is Friday 18th November at 23:59

If you have any questions about the process please contact our newly appointed GB U24 Programme Manager, Tash Walker (contact details below). 

GB U24 Programme Manager

Tash Walker

GB U24 Squad Managers

We have received applications from multiple applicants for each squad and are working through the appointment process for the squad managers for each squad. We will make announcements regarding the appointments to these roles in the coming weeks.


Club Indoor Events Entry Deadline - This Wednesday 9th November


UKU University Indoor Regionals Schedules Available