Grey Towers of Durham and London Moooxed Entry Deadline’s Next Week!

The entry deadline for the Mixed tier two events, Grey Towers of Durham and London Moooxed is next week, Wednesday 11th May. Both events are taking place on the 18/19 June. More information on each event, including event capacity, venue details and event entry links can be found on the respective event pages:

Grey Towers of Durham

London Moooxed

Please remember you need a club admin to enter the team on JustGo.


A quick reminder that we’re continuing the flexible approach to rosters that we used last year, with the aim of making it as easy as possible for as many people as possible to play!

Take a look at our announcement on the 2022 Roster Rules here.


Grey Towers of Durham and London Moooxed Entry Deadline’s Today


Oxford Women’s Hat