How do you get your UKU News?


With the launch of our new website, we’re continuing to work on better ways to communicate with our members, the wider community and those who are discovering Ultimate for the first time. Here’s how you can stay informed:

  • Sign up for our Newsletter (a weekly-ish email that collates stories and news in an easy-to-access format)

  • Event Announcements (a google group that emails you announcements and updates about events only)

    • Event announcements are also available on event-specific pages in the calendar

    • Emails are also sent directly to the team contact (i.e. the email address for the person who entered the event)

  • Schools Newsletter (specific info for schools, teachers, School Games Organisers …etc, sent roughly each half term)

We also post a number of stories on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, but we cannot guarantee algorithms will ensure you see what you want to from us.

For university Ultimate announcements we also use the the regional Facebook pages listed here.


Organise Events


YDG and Windfarm