UKU Manchester Mayhem 2023 13-14 May Draft Schedule Available

The draft schedule for Manchester Mayhem, taking place on 13-14 May, in Wythenshawe, is now available. Please also see some important event announcements below.

Please note the following important information:

  1. At Manchester Mayhem, we are trialling teams submitting their match scores to the TDs via WhatsApp. There is a group which team representatives can join to submit these scores: Please be aware that numbers will be visible to all those who join the group and you are therefore under no obligation to join if you do not wish for your personal information to be shared.

    Please note that we do not want teams to submit Spirit Scores in this group. This will be done as normal, via an online form found on the event page.

  2. All teams at both events must report to the TDs on Saturday morning to collect their tournament discs.

  3. Both toilets and water can be easily found at the building on site.

  4. There is plenty of parking at the venue but please be considerate of other users as there are other events taking place this weekend.

The draft schedule is now available here: Manchester Mayhem Draft Schedule


ALL PLAYERS need a Full UKU Membership. Club admins can check the membership status of your players by logging into JustGo and going to “Club Members”.


UKU Manchester Mayhem, Open Tour event, (13-14 May 2023): Winners and Final Standings


GB Grand Masters Open Trial Applications Are Open