UKU 2022 Ranking Event Roster Rules

The club outdoors season is about to kick off and we’re super excited! Here’s an update on the roster rules for the season.

EUCS Events

For the EUCS events (regional playoffs/nationals) the roster rules for the regional playoffs/nationals/euros will remain in place as in previous years. These can be found in section 8.1.5 of our UKU Tournament Rules - Event Specific Appendix.

Other UKU Ranking Events

For all other (non EUCS) UKU Ranking events we will be continuing the flexible approach to rosters that we used last year, with the aim of making it as easy as possible for as many people as possible to play! This means there will be no restrictions to rosters between UKU Ranking Events and players are NOT roster locked after playing for a team. It does however remain the case that a player may only play for one team at each event.

N.B this supersedes section 8.14 in our UKU Tournament Rules - Event Specific Appendix, which we will be updating shortly to reflect this seasons roster rules.

If you’ve got any doubts or questions please email



For UKU Ranking events ALL PLAYERS need Full UKU Membership. Club admins can check the membership status of your players by logging into JustGo and going to “Club Members”.

Roster Checks

We will continue to run roster checks at UKU ranking events, which means that all the teams competing at UKU Ranking Events events must make sure that their team rosters are up to date on JustGo BEFORE Saturday morning. We know that it might have been a while since some teams last used the JustGo system, so here’s a quick recap on how our roster checks work.


On Saturday morning we’ll take a report from JustGo which will give us a list of all players rostered to a team entered into the event. We’ll then run a check on this report to identify any players who don’t hold FULL UKU MEMBERSHIP.


How do we manage our roster?

You need a club administrator to login to JustGo and click on “team profiles” in the menu. Then select the correct team (i.e the team that was actually entered into the event) using the blue box on the left. Now click on “team members” followed by “add members” and just select the players who are playing with the team this weekend. Click done and you’re finished.

If you run into any issues, please email


Outstanding UMWON Roster Entries


Reading Half schedule now available