UKU Regionals Schedules Now Available

The draft schedules for UKU Regionals are now available.

Northern Regionals

Southern Regionals

More Information on each event for participants can be found on the event pages (North, South).

Please bear in mind that, in the current circumstances, these schedules remain subject to change if teams are forced to withdraw, and if their withdrawal has a substantial impact on the schedule for one or more other teams.


  • PLEASE NOTE - there are rail strikes on Saturday 13th, so we expect severe disruption to rail travel - further details on the event pages.

A couple of quick reminders before the weekend…


ALL PLAYERS at UKU Regionals need Basic UKU Membership. Club admins can check the membership status of your players by logging into JustGo and going to “Club Members”.


All the teams must make sure that their team rosters are up to date on JustGo BEFORE Saturday morning of the event. Here’s a quick recap on how our roster checks work.

On Saturday morning we’ll take a report from JustGo which will give us a list of all players rostered to a team entered into the event. We’ll then run a check on this report to identify any players who don’t hold UKU MEMBERSHIP.

Good luck this weekend to everyone!


UKU University Committee vacancies


Beach Nationals - confirmed teams