UKU U14/U17 Open Indoor Nationals Draft Schedule and Key Information
We are expecting U14/U17 Open Indoor Nationals at the weekend to be busier than it has been in recent years. Thank you to everyone who sent over information about group sizes, that has been really helpful.
As a result, we’re asking everyone to help out the event staff this weekend by following a few rules:
The sports hall floor must be completely clear of all clothing and equipment. This INCLUDES water bottles UNLESS they are standing upright and touching the wall (sidewall for pitches 1 & 4, and the backwall for pitches 2 & 3). We suggest:
Bringing a bag / container that can be carried by coach/spectator/subs for water bottles.
Deciding jersey colours well before your game and NOT bringing spare clothing pitchside.
Event staff may clear equipment and bottles that we find on the sports hall floor and dump them in containers outside the sports hall doors.
Spectators must be standing and at least 1 metres away from the pitches.
Absolutely NO sitting down anywhere in the sports hall (until the finals).
Do not leave belongings in front of doors or in the middle of corridors.
Do not throw frisbees anywhere in the sports centre outside of the sports hall.
Do not bring food or hot drinks into the sports hall.
Space for bags and belongings will be at a premium this weekend. The sports centre has lockers, which they run on a system of user-provided padlocks. So if you are able to bring a padlock(s) for lockers you may find that helpful. Please note that any padlocks left on lockers overnight will be removed by the sports centre.
Join the WhatsApp Community to receive announcements during the event. Phone numbers are hidden in the announcement channel of the community. Please feel free to share this with any spectators as well.
Please pass this information on to any spectators who are attending the tournament as part of your group.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation with these rules that will help make the event safe and enjoyable for all involved!
The draft schedule is now available here. Our schedules remain subject to change if teams are forced to withdraw, and if their withdrawal has a substantial impact on the schedule for one or more other teams.
Information for participants is on the event page. Some important messages may be added to the Header page of the schedule.
Pupils from UKU Affiliated Schools can compete for their school at this event without UKU membership.
All other UK-resident players, including those who are playing with a school team but do not attend that school, must have at least Basic UKU membership.