University Indoor Nationals Rosters - multi-team clubs clarification

We are issuing a clarification on the rostering rules for University Indoor Competitions, specifically the case where multiple teams from one institution qualify for Nationals due to some queries and ambiguity in the published competition rules - please see below.

Relevant Regulations

  • BUCS REG 11 Team Selection and Team Sheets

  • UKU Tournament Rules Section


BUCS - Men’s & Women’s Divisions

  • Rules follow BUCS REG 11, any player selected for a team at Regionals has established a majority & can therefore only ‘play up’ at Nationals.

  • I.e. They must play for the same team or a stronger team. E.g. A second team player at Regionals can play for the first team at Nationals but a first team player at Regionals can not play for the second team at Nationals.

UKU - Mixed Division

  • UKU Tournament Rules Section stipulate that any team that qualifies for Nationals has its roster locked.

  • The UKUUC are aware the rules are less clear for the university mixed division as there was some ambiguity about whether the General Rules 8.1.3 or the BUCS Regs should apply. The committee had the intention that the mixed division would align with BUCS REG 11. Players may ‘play up’ into higher teams but not ‘play down’ into lower ones.

    • I.e. They must play for the same team or a stronger team. E.g. A second team player at Regionals can play for the first team at Nationals but a first team player at Regionals can not play for the second team at Nationals.

  • The University Event Specific Appendix will be updated to reflect this change to improve clarity going forward.

    • Note: Section 8.1.3 are the General regulations and so apply to all UKU competitions. University competition is not exempt from this unless superseded in the University Appendix.

  • The only alternative under the current regulations is a strict implementation of UKU Tournament Rules, but it is felt consistency with the other university divisions is more appropriate.


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