University Ultimate: Introduction of Spirit Captains in 2022-23

In 2022-23 university clubs are asked to work towards having a Spirit Captain on every team at each event. This person should be a rostered player on the team and not the Captain. The Spirit Captain role can support your club, team and individuals with SOTG before, during and after events. With many players newer to the sport at University competitions, we want to do more to support university clubs and help mitigate some common SOTG problems. The Spirit of the Game Committee are leading this initiative and have collected a number of helpful resources here. If you have any questions, please email

What to do next?

  1. Appoint a small group in your club to learn more about being a Spirit Captain, remember you need to have someone in this role for every team you enter to each event.

  2. Make sure at least one SOTG representative signs up for the online Uni Spirit Captain meeting on Mon 24th Oct.

  3. Take a look at the information provided here. There are links to UKU and WFDF resources.

  4. Spirit Captains should be working towards getting their WFDF Advanced Rules Accreditation - this is not limited to Spirit Captains and can help all experienced players in your club gain better rules knowledge. For now, we will not be checking rules accreditation but you can upload your certificate to your membership profile if you choose to.


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