We’re Hiring

We are excited to be creating a new staff position to support planning and organisation of UKU and international Ultimate events in the UK.

In November 2021, our previous Events Manager, Meg Price, moved to work at the Commonwealth Games. Given the impact of the pandemic, we decided to delay replacing Meg until we had better visibility that the numbers of players, and potential income for the organisation, were recovering towards 2019 levels.

During the last two months, UKU has also taken the opportunity to step in as a backup host for WFDF 2023 World Under 24 Ultimate Championships (1-8 July 2023), which we plan to stage in Nottingham. We are in active discussions to bid for another WFDF event in 2024, and aim to set up capacity to bid for and host major international tournaments on a regular basis.

We are now recruiting for a new member of staff to help us deliver the domestic events programme, and WU24s. Please see the role description for Events Coordinator, and more information, here. This is a great role for someone looking to build experience in sports event management. There is no fixed start date, but the sooner the better!

But also… we have some flexibility in how we structure the work within our team, and recognise that there may be people interested in joining us, with the experience to take on WU24s right away, and for whom the Events Coordinator role may not be quite right. With this in mind, we are open to considering applications for a Major Events Manager, taking full responsibility for delivering WU24s immediately. Please see additional information here.


UKU University Women’s Indoor Regionals Important Information and Schedules


Junior Women’s Indoor Nationals: Winners, Final Standings and Spirit of the Game