What the Spirit of the Game Committee does with Spirit data


UKU runs over 60 events each year, that’s a lot of Spirit scores! Have you ever wondered what happens to Spirit data? Find out here!

This document has been put together by the Spirit of the Game Committee (a small group of volunteers from the community) to help explain how spirit data is processed after events, why ‘as expected scores’ (i.e. scores of 2 in each category) are a valuable part of our data collection, and how we deal with potential sources of bias.

We have an enormous dataset but a limited pool of volunteers. If anyone is keen to join the committee, or use the data for a research project we encourage you to reach out sotg-committee@ukultimate.com.


Welfare Pack for clubs


Club Mixed Indoor Qualifies (4-5 Feb 2023): Winners, final standings, qualification, SOTG and lost property