Windfarm Entry Deadline This Saturday (2nd April)

Windfarm Entry Deadline Coming Soon!

The entry deadline for Nottingham Windfarm is approaching soon, make sure you enter to guarantee your spot at our biggest outdoor Open and Women’s event!

Club admins can enter their teams here. Further event details can be found on the calendar event page here.


Did you know that you can play for one team at one UKU ranking event and a different team at another event? We will be continuing the flexible approach to rosters that we used last year, with the aim of making it as easy as possible for as many people as possible to play!

Got that player in your club who usually plays for another team but happens to be available this weekend? Great, they are fine to play with you!

Maybe you need to join together with another club so that you have enough players for a specific event, that’s fine too!

Two key things to note:

  • A player may only play for one team at each event.

  • The roster rules for the regional playoffs/nationals/euros (EUCS Events) will remain in place as in previous years. These can be found in section 8.1.5 of our UKU Tournament Rules - Event Specific Appendix.

If you’ve got any doubts or questions please email


Supporting University Committees: coaching course special offer!


The Coach Profiles are back with a difference!