Competitions Committee
The role of the Competitions Committee is to manage the structure and rules for all UKU competition, noting that the University Committee leads the implementation of University competitions.
The Director of Competitions, University Coordinator and UKU CEO are standing members of this committee alongside various representative positions including: Beach, Indoors, Youth, Mixed, Open, Women's and Masters.
The Director of Competitions appoints an additional 3-6 members to the committee to provide skills, experience or opinions that might otherwise be under-represented in the group.
Key tasks:
Agree and publish the UKU events calendar
Maintain and publish UKU Competition Rules
Agree and define competition formats for main UKU events
Deal with any questions relating to the rules, and provide rulings in unforeseen circumstances not covered by the written rules
Act as the first point of contact for complaints related to the competition aspects of Ultimate in the UK
Review and update the competition structure as necessary
Ensure that UKU competitions and rules are structured in appropriate relationship to EUCS and WUCC competitions and rules
Work with international competition committees to ensure UKU input to these committees and to ensure visibility of the international programme to UKU