
Ultimatum was an annual magazine printed and sent to all UK Ultimate members between 2001-2014. It was full of photos, stories and interest pieces about Ultimate and the season just gone. It took a huge effort from volunteers who wrote, designed, edited, published and posted the magazine and we continue to be extremely grateful for all their work.

Fast-forward to 2024 and we are in a different age of media, but we want to re-establish a space that provides opportunity for our members to contribute stories about their experiences in Ultimate! Stories can be submitted to admin@ukultimate.com. As you might expect, UKU reserves the right not to publish, to edit or redact content. If you are interested in engaging contributors, collecting stories and editing content we would love help, please touch base using the email address above.

Chesca Tyler Weddell Chesca Tyler Weddell

The 3rd Disc

Chesca Weddell writes about the ‘3rd disc’, a must read for Junior coaches.

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