Changes to GB Selection Procedures



Historically, our GB teams have been run on the basis of appointing one or more managers per squad and allowing those individuals freedom in how they run their squad, starting from player applications for trials through to the end of the event. This approach has allowed us to field GB teams in multiple events and divisions, with limited dedicated staff; however, this also puts a lot of work and responsibility onto managers, which we recognise is even more difficult for them when they are doing it for the first time.

Over the last 10-15 years, the number of international divisions has increased. Over the 4-year international competition cycle, the number of GB teams competing each year varies between approximately 10-20. As the number of teams, and complexity of the GB programme, has increased, some administrative and logistical areas have been centralised to find efficiencies and hopefully gain some benefits from managing some of the processes across multiple squads every year. Over time, this has also allowed us Managers to spend more time on the performance of the team and experience of the players, and reduced the time they spend on admin tasks.

As we look to further develop the GB programme, the GB Committee have identified selection as the next area where efforts can be made to centralise the process. Selection is a particularly difficult element of each GB cycle. Every year managers put in significant effort trying to ensure that they are running fair and open processes, but there is a general desire from the GB Committee, managers, and players for more consistency and transparency, and to minimise the risks of bias and/or the appearance of bias. With all of this in mind, we have spent time reviewing the existing GB selection policy and process and we are now announcing new structures, processes, and positions in the GB Programme.

Selection Procedures 2024-25

We are making a number of changes now which will be applied to the selection of the 2025 Under-24 teams, and the 2025 World Games team (subject to qualification). Rolling out these changes to the other GB squads will depend on progress and capacity, but we do not necessarily expect that this approach will be used for either 2025 EYUC, nor 2025 WBUC.

In recent cycles, many GB selections have adopted a process which includes applications, pre-trials, and main trials. These stages have been led by squad managers, and commenced following the recruitment of those managers. The main change in the process will be to centralise these phases, and to shift responsibility for decisions made at application and pre-trial stage from managers to a squad-independent Selection Panel, with that Panel retaining significant involvement in the final selection, albeit with substantial input from the squad manager(s). To enable these changes, we are formalising the following roles, to create a structure which, although still voluntary, enables a more centrally-run approach.

  1. We are formalising a GB Selection Observer role. Many managers have appointed observers to provide support at trials, with the goal of ensuring everyone is seen in all areas of the trial. This approach has helped in general, but the informal approach to recruiting observers has tended, in some cases at least, to lead to more concern about club- or connection-based bias. We are centralising and formalising this role in order to provide more transparency to both the role and the process for being recruited into that position.

  2. For each group of squads going to the same event - e.g. 2025 WU24s - we will appoint a Selection Panel from the Observers involved in the trials for that event. The Selection Panel will lead the selection of players at the pre-trial stage. Our intention is that managers will have limited direct involvement in pre-trial selection, and may not even be appointed until afterwards but will have substantial input to, although not total control of, final selection.

  3. We have formalised the responsibilities of a Selection Panel Chairperson to oversee the selection process.

The changes outlined are an exciting step forward for the GB programme, but the success of these changes relies on recruiting volunteers. If you are interested in joining the pool of GB Selection Observers, please use this form to apply to join the team.


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