Playing in hot weather

Hot weather is forecast for this coming weekend (13-14 August) when UKU Regionals will take place in Edenbridge and Manchester (click links for MET Office forecasts). Please ensure that you consider extra precautions which could include the following:

  • Minimum 2 x 1 litre reusable water bottles (to be refilled throughout the day) - please check the schedule and consider bringing more if you have back-to-back games

  • Additional fluids

  • High factor sun cream

  • Hats

  • Small towels which can be soaked in water

  • Water spray bottles

  • Additional shade such as umbrellas or small tents*

More general information around playing safely can be found here. If you have your own team trainings during hot weather, you may want to advise some of the above.

*Please note, any tents or umbrellas must be a safe distance (min 3 meters) from all side lines. If tournament staff (or indeed anyone) asks you to move your belongings due to safety, please be kind and find a safer spot for your stuff.


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