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UKU University Mixed Indoor Nationals Division 1 and 2 February 25/26 Draft Schedules Available
The draft schedules for University Mixed Indoor Nationals taking place this weekend (25-26 February) are now available.
Club Open and Women’s Indoor Nationals (18-19 Feb 2023): Winners and Final Standings
Well done to everyone that competed at UKU Club Open and Women’s Indoor Nationals (COWIN). Congratulations to the Winners in both divisions: Cambridge (Women) and Hypebeasts (Open).
Click through for full final standings, Spirit and lost property.
UKU Club Open and Women’s Indoor Nationals February 18/19 Draft Schedule Available
The draft schedule for the Club Open and Women’s Indoor Nationals taking place this weekend (18-19 February) is now available.
University Men’s and Women’s Indoor Nationals (11-12 Feb 2023): Winners and Final Standings
Well done to everyone that competed at UKU University Men’s and Women’s Indoor Nationals (UMWIN) Div 1 and Div 2.
Click through for winners, full final standings, Spirit and lost property.
UKU University Open and Women’s Indoor Nationals February 11/12 Draft Schedules Available
The draft schedules for University Men’s and Women’s Indoor Nationals taking place this weekend (11-12 February) are now available.
Club Mixed Indoor Qualifies (4-5 Feb 2023): Winners, final standings, qualification, SOTG and lost property
Well done to everyone that competed at the UKU Club Mixed Indoor Qualifiers (CXIQ) this weekend (4-5 Feb 2023).
The full final standings and teams qualified from each region for Club Mixed Indoor Nationals (CXIN) on 11-12 March 2023 can be found on the online schedules and entry for CXIN is now open.
UKU Under 14 & Under 17 Open Indoor Nationals 2023 - Confirmed Teams
Thank you to all of the teams that entered prior to the entry deadline. We are pleased to confirm that we have enough team entries for the event to go ahead and all of the teams that entered have a confirmed space in their division!
UKU Club Mixed Indoor Qualifiers February 4/5 Draft Schedules Available
The draft schedules for the Club Open and Women’s Indoor Qualifiers taking place this weekend (4-5 February) are now available.
Junior Open Indoor Nationals (JOIN) 2023: Winners, Final Standings and Spirit of the Game
Congratulations to AirBadgers 1 for winning Junior (U20) Open Indoor Nationals 2023 and to Ocelots for taking home the Spirit of the Game award. Click through for full final standings and info about any lost property.
Entries are open for Club Open and Women’s Indoor Nationals 2023
Entries for Club Open and Women’s Indoor Nationals 2023 are now open! This event will be held at Cranford Superdome (Rubbercrumb) on 18th - 19th February.
The entry deadline is Monday 6th Feb at 11:59pm.
Club Open and Women’s Indoor Qualifies (21-22 Jan 2023): Winners, final standings, qualification, SOTG and lost property
This was the final qualifier event before Club Open and Women’s Indoor Nationals on 18-19 Feb. Click through for winners, final standings, teams qualified to Nationals, SOTG and lost property.
UKU Club Open and Women’s Indoor Qualifiers January 21/22 Draft Schedules Available
The draft schedules for the Club Open and Women’s Indoor Qualifiers taking place this weekend (21-22 January) are now available.
Club Mixed Indoor Qualifies (7-8 Jan 2023): Winners, final standings, qualification, SOTG and lost property
Congratulations to the winners of CXIQ events over 7-8 Jan 2023 - click through for winners, final standings, teams qualified to Club Mixed Indoor Nationals (CXIN), SOTG scores and lost property.
University Indoor Nationals Rosters - multi-team clubs clarification
We are issuing a clarification on the rostering rules for University Indoor Competitions, specifically the case where multiple teams from one institution qualify for Nationals due to some queries and ambiguity in the published competition rules - please see below.
UKU Club Mixed Indoor Qualifiers January 7/8 Draft Schedules Available
The draft schedules for both Club Mixed Indoor Qualifiers taking place this weekend (7-8 January) are now available.
U14 and U17 Indoor Nationals Entry Deadline - Monday 30th January
Entries for Under 14 and Under 17 Open Indoor Nationals 2023 are now open! This event will be held at WV Active Aldersley, Wolverhampton (Hardcourt) on 4th - 5th March, approx. 10:00am - 4:30pm.
Entry is open until Monday 30th January at 11:59am.
EUIC 2022 Round Up
Well done to everyone who competed at EUIC (European Ultimate Indoors Championship) 2022. We’re really proud of all three teams who attended as representatives from the UK but particular congratulations must go to the GB Mixed squad for taking the silver medala.
UKU Junior Open Indoor Nationals 2022-23 - Confirmed Teams
Thank you to all of the teams that entered prior to the entry deadline. We are pleased to confirm spaces at the event for all the teams that have entered.
We do also still have space at the event and entries remain open on a first come first served basis