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University Women’s Indoor Regionals: Winners, final standings, qualification, SOTG and lost property
Congratulations to the winners of UWIR events over 26-27 Nov - click through to find final standings and links to SOTG scores for all events. You will also find a full list of the teams qualified to Nationals (UMWIN), Div 1 and Div 2.
UKU University Women’s Indoor Regionals Important Information and Schedules
The schedules for all 4 University Women’s Indoor Regionals taking place this weekend (26-27 November) are now available.
University Men’s Indoor Regionals: Winners, final standings, qualification, SOTG and lost property
Congratulations to the winners of UMIR events over 5-6 and 12-13 Nov - click through to find final standings and links to SOTG scores for all events. You will also find a full list of the teams qualified to Nationals (UMWIN), Div 1 and Div 2.
Women’s BUCS league update and game length guidance
Good luck to all the teams playing in BUCS Women’s League matches on Saturday 12th November. Due to variations in the number of teams playing at each venue, and the time/space availability, it may be helpful and in everyone’s best interest that game lengths are modified in some leagues.
UKU University Men’s Indoor Regionals Important Information and Schedules
Important information for UMIR events, and links to the schedules which are all now live.
A message from the SOTG Committee: Spirit at University competition so far this season
An update about Spirit and the work of the Spirit of the Game Committee so far this season.
University Mixed Indoor Regionals: Winners, final standings, qualification, SOTG and lost property
Congratulations to the winners of UXIR events over 29-30 Oct and 5-6 Nov - click through to find final standings and a link to SOTG scores for all events. You will also find a full list of the teams qualified to University Mixed Indoor Nationals (UXIN), Div 1 and Div 2.
UKU University Indoor Regionals Schedules Available
The schedules for UKU University Indoor Regionals taking place this weekend (5/6 November) are now available.
Information for participants (the “info pack”) is all on the event page.
Eligibility for UKU University Ultimate events
A message from UKU University Coordinator, Emily Powell, about eligibility - please read carefully to check whether you’re able to compete at Indoor regionals, especially if you are a postgrad student in the process of completing your studies, or your studies are on hold.
Women's BUCS League update
Update 4th Nov: Fixtures are in place for all teams in all five leagues on Sat 12th November. The details should now be up to date in BUCS Play.
UKU University Mixed Indoor Regionals Draft Schedules Available
The draft schedule for UKU University Mixed Indoor Regionals are now available.
Information for participants (the “info pack”) is all on the event page.
University Spirit Captain Meeting - notes and FAQs
University Spirit Captains: meeting notes, links and FAQs
The UKUUC Awards Night will return in 2022/23 - nominations will be open all year!
Nominations for the UKUUC Awards brought to you by the University Committee will be open throughout the year.
University Indoor Regionals (Mixed, Men’s and Women’s) Update
UXIR - Teams Confirmed
UMIR - Entry deadline tomorrow (12th October). Please check you are entered
UWIR - Entries open today
University Spirit Captain Meeting, Mon 24th Oct, 8pm
All universities planning to attend upcoming UKU Indoor events (Mixed, Women’s and Men’s) should have a representative attend this online Spirit Captain meeting.
University Men’s Indoor Regionals (UMIR) 2022-23 - Entries are open!
The deadline for entry is 13th October. Only your AU (Athletic / Sports Union) can enter your team(s) as this is a BUCS event.
University Ultimate: Introduction of Spirit Captains in 2022-23
Click through to learn more about the introduction of Spirit Captains at University Ultimate events for the 2022-23 season.
University Mixed Indoor Regionals (UXIR) Entry Open and University Indoor Events Calendar
Entries are now open for University Mixed Indoor Regionals (UXIR) which are taking place on the weekend of 29th-30 October and 5th-6th November!
The full program of university indoor events is also now available.