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UKU University Mixed Outdoor Nationals (UXON) - Draft Schedule Available
The draft schedule for University Mixed Outdoor Nationals, taking place this weekend (24-25 June), is now available.
UKUUC Awards Night nominations and UXON Camping
An update on the camping available for UXON as well as the UKUUC Awards Night
Indoors Season 2023-24 Update
An update on our plans for the 2023-24 University, Junior and Club Indoor season
University Mixed Outdoor Nationals 2023 - Confirmed Teams
Confirmed spots for teams at University Mixed Outdoor Nationals 2023.
Entries for UXON 2023 close Tuesday 18th April
Entries for UXON are closing on 18/04/23. The event is taking place on 24-25 June at The Pavilion, Moor Lane in Birmingham.
Women’s BUCS League discussion
The UKU University Committee (UKUUC) are holding an open forum to discuss the format of the Women's BUCS League and want your input.
UKU / BUCS University Men’s and Women’s Outdoor Nationals 2023 (1-2 Apr 2023): Winners and Final Standings
Well done to everyone that competed at UKU/BUCS University Nationals on 1-2 April 2023. Congratulations to the winning teams in all divisions!
Click through for full final standings, sotg and lost property.
University Men’s and Women’s Outdoor Nationals Final Reminders
University Men’s and Women’s Outdoor Nationals Final Reminders
We have made some adjustments to the pitch map. PLEASE CHECK to make sure you know the location of the pitch you are playing on.
UKU University Open and Women’s Outdoor Nationals and UKU Uni Fans April 1/2 Draft Schedule Available
The draft schedule for University Men’s and Women’s Outdoor Nationals and Uni Fans, taking place this weekend (1-2 April), are now available.
Entries for UXON 2023 (University Mixed Outdoor Nationals) are open
Entries for UXON 2023 (University Mixed Outdoor Nationals) are now open!
Provisional UMWON Qualified Teams
Provisional teams and divisions for University Outdoor Nationals 2022-23
University Mixed Indoor Nationals (25-26 Feb 2023): Winners and Final Standings
Well done to everyone that competed at UKU University Mixed Indoor Nationals (UXIN). Congratulations to the Winners in both divisions: Bath 1 (Div 1) and Liverpool 1 (Div 2). Click through for full final standings, spirit of the game and lost property.
UKU University Mixed Indoor Nationals Division 1 and 2 February 25/26 Draft Schedules Available
The draft schedules for University Mixed Indoor Nationals taking place this weekend (25-26 February) are now available.
University Men’s and Women’s Indoor Nationals (11-12 Feb 2023): Winners and Final Standings
Well done to everyone that competed at UKU University Men’s and Women’s Indoor Nationals (UMWIN) Div 1 and Div 2.
Click through for winners, full final standings, Spirit and lost property.
UKU University Open and Women’s Indoor Nationals February 11/12 Draft Schedules Available
The draft schedules for University Men’s and Women’s Indoor Nationals taking place this weekend (11-12 February) are now available.
University Indoor Nationals Rosters - multi-team clubs clarification
We are issuing a clarification on the rostering rules for University Indoor Competitions, specifically the case where multiple teams from one institution qualify for Nationals due to some queries and ambiguity in the published competition rules - please see below.
University Men’s and Women’s Indoor Nationals (UMWIN) 2022-23 - Entries are open!
University Men’s and Women’s Indoor Nationals (UMWIN) 2022-23 - Entries are open!
University Mixed Indoor Nationals (UXIN) Entry Open
Entries are now open for University Mixed Indoor Nationals (UXIN) which are taking place on the weekend of 25th-26th February.