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UKU University Committee vacancies
There are two vacancies on the UKU University Committee. Click through to read more!
Uni Mixed (UXON) Update
Check this update for important information about camping, Saturday night food and awards, finalising your roster and the 10am start time on Saturday morning.
UXON / ‘Not Uni Nats’ (2-3 July): Confirmed Team Lists
Confirmed teams for UXON / ‘Not Uni Nats’ 2022.
‘Not Uni Nats’ at UXON!
Enter ‘Not Uni Nats’! This event will be held alongside UXON and is open to University teams made up of current members and alumni!
Entries for UXON (University Mixed Outdoor Nationals) are open!
Entries for UXON (University Mixed Outdoor Nationals) are now open! Enter here, or click through for more details.
UMWON 2022 - Winners and Final Standings
Congratulations to the winners of UMWON 2022. Winners, final standings and SOTG are linked in the full story.
UKUUC University Awards
The UKU University Committee bring you the brand new UKUUC Awards Night! Nomination form here.
University Men’s and Women’s Outdoor Nationals Final Reminders
Final Reminders for UMWON this weekend
UMWON and Uni Fans schedule now available
The draft schedule for UKU UMWON and Uni Fans is now available.
Please bear in mind that, in the current circumstances, schedules remain subject to change if teams are forced to withdraw, and if their withdrawal has a substantial impact on the schedule for one or more other teams.
Outstanding UMWON Roster Entries
Teams still need to make sure they get their roster entries done for UMWON.
Supporting University Committees: coaching course special offer!
Find out more about our coach education special offer for university committees.
Uni Outdoor Nationals - teams and divisions confirmed
Confirmed teams and divisions for University Outdoor Nationals 2021-22
University Mixed Indoor Nationals 2021-22 - Final Standings
Congratulations to Strathclyde for winning the University Mixed Indoor Championships!
Uni Mixed Indoor Nationals - Final Reminders
Final reminders for Uni Mixed Indoor Nationals: testing, rosters, membership, etc.
The University Committee wants to hear from you!
We would like to hear from your university club committee, to find out about how you are managing this season and how your teams are looking for the future.
Uni Mixed Indoor Nationals - Draft schedules released
Links to the UXIN 2022 draft schedules have been added to the event page.