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Yorkshire & East Mids University Men’s Indoor Regionals (YEUMIR) 4-5 Nov 2023: Winners and Final Standings
Congratulations to teams that competed at Yorkshire & East Mids University Men’s Indoor Regionals (YEUMIR) on 4-5 Nov 2023. Click through for full final standings, teams qualified to University Men’s Indoor Nationals, SOTG and lost property.
University Mixed Indoor Regionals (Sc, EL, SE, SW, WW) 4-5 Nov 2023: Winners and Final Standings
Congratulations to teams that competed at UXIR events on 4-5 Nov 2023. Click through for full final standings, teams qualified to University Mixed Indoor Nationals, SOTG and lost property.
University Men’s Indoor Regionals Seedings and UMIN Bid Allocation
Confirmed seedings for UMIR 2023-24, as well as information about allocation of bids to UMIN
UKU YEUMIR 2023 - Draft Schedule Available
The draft schedule for UKU Yorkshire and East Midlands University Men’s Indoor Regionals, taking place on 4-5 Nov 2023, at the Allam Sports Centre, is now available.
UKU UXIR 4-5 November 2023 - Draft Schedules Available
The draft schedules for University Mixed Indoor Regionals, taking place on 4-5 Nov 2023 across various regions, are now available.
Yorkshire & East Mids University Mixed Indoor Regionals (YEUXIR) 28-29 Oct 2023: Winners and Final Standings
Congratulations to Leeds 1, winners of YEUXIR. Click through for full final standings, teams qualified to University Mixed Indoor Nationals, SOTG and lost property.
UKU YEUXIR 2023 - Draft Schedule Available
The draft schedule for UKU Yorkshire and East Midlands University Mixed Indoor Regionals, taking place on 28-29 Oct 2023, at Wildcats, is now available.
University Mixed Indoor Regionals Seedings and UXIN Bid Allocation
Confirmed seedings for UXIR 2023-24, as well as information about allocation of bids to UXIN
University Mixed Indoor Regionals Confirmed Teams
Confirmed teams for UXIR 2023-24. For any teams who have missed the entry deadline and still wish to enter a team please contact us URGENTLY at
2023-24 University Spirit Captain Meeting, Tues 17th Oct, 8pm
2023-24 Spirit Captain Meeting. Please ensure all universities planning to attend upcoming UKU Indoor events (Mixed, Women’s and Men’s) send a representative attend this online Spirit Captain meeting.
University Women’s Indoor Regionals (UWIR) and University Men’s Indoor Regionals (UMIR) 2023-24 - Entries open!
The deadline for entry for UMIR is 17th Oct. The deadline for entry for UWIR is 31st Oct. Only your AU (Athletic / Sports Union) can enter your team(s) as this is a BUCS event.
UKU Indoor Rules of Ultimate - amendments for 2023-24 season
Thank you to the volunteers who committed several hours over a number of weeks this summer to review the UKU Indoor pull rules. Further details and a link to the amended rules can be found in the story.
University Mixed Indoor Regionals (UXIR) Entry Open
Entires for UXIR 2023/24 are now open. Entry deadline is October 10th.
Deep Dish Beach Partnership Announcement
Welcome to Deep Dish Beach, our newest partner. Click through to read more about the first-ever Beach Ultimate Tour in Spring 2024 - part of the Deep Dish Tour 2024.
Indoors Season 2023-24 - September Update
An update on our plans for the 2023-24 University, Junior and Club Indoor season
Coaching Opportunity
University of Hertfordshire are looking to engage a paid Ultimate Coach to support the University Ultimate Frisbee Club. Click through for more information.
UKU UXON 2023 (24-25 June): Winners
Well done to everyone that competed at UKU UXON 24-25 June 2023. Click through for winners and SOTG scores. Lost property will be available soon.